E's Secret Indentity
Did you know that Edna Mode, the character who stole the show on The Incredibles, is voiced by none other than the director, Brad Bird? I didn't either. But now I have excellent proof.
Head over to Oscar.com and click for the backstage press room videos. While Brad Bird is in the press room answering questions about this year's Academy Award-winning animated feature, a little bit of Edna Mode slips out. She comments on the night's fashion and her co-presenter, Pierce Brosnan.
My boyfriend and I are fighting over what Edna Mode says to Helen Parr RIGHT BEFORE she scans her hand and goes in to look at the new superhero suits she has made. It sounds like blah, blah, blah, but it isn't.
Can you PLEASE tell us what she says there? E-mail response would be great.
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