Album Of The Day: Conversations by Sara Groves

Album Art of Sara Groves's Conversations album - A close-up, grainy photo of the right side of this white woman's face from the front. Her nose and most of her mouth is on the left side of the frame, and her ear in the middle of the photo, so her face takes up most of the left half of the photo. It's just very bright behind her face and over her shoulder, which is just visible at the bottom. Printed in uppercase black letters to the right of her face is the album title, and in a bright red is the artist's name in lowercase.

Sara Groves is one of the best songwriters in Christian music, in my opinion. This is the first album of hers I heard and is one of her many albums that I love. Released independently in 2000 and then re-released on INO Records on this day in 2001, Conversations is a very good title for this look into the many conversations Sara is having in song with God primarily, but also with friends and family. Musically, Sara's sound is contemporary folk-pop. and the band along with producer Nate Sabin do a great job with the sound here, making every song unique and fresh and working perfectly with Sara's gorgeous vocals. Lyrically, Sara's songs wrestle with faith and doubt, listening to God, but also proclaim God's love and grace. And it ends with a fun live recording of her singing about an old-timey revival "Tent In The Center Of Town". It's a great hour of music and I can't believe it's been 24 years now of enjoying and learning with this album.

Release Year: 2000 / 2001
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