Album Of The Day: Chase The Kangaroo by The Choir

Album Art of The Choir's Chase The Kangaroo album - A thick border of black with blue drawings making an indecipherable pattern surrounds the main photo. The main photo is one man on the left leaning in towards the camera and his hair is in front of his eyes. The second person is off to the right further away, and is holding his own shoulders and lookng down. Both people are slightly blurry like they were photographed in motion. In the top left of the photo is the album title and the artist name written in a handwritten manner in a mustard yellow.

The Choir is an ambient alternative rock band that's been active for over 40 years now. Released on this day 37 years ago, this is their third studio album. The first half of the album is just 4 tracks, the last 2 of the 4 running at 7 minutes each, for an epic, meandering rock album. They're one of the few rock bands I listen to that has a saxophone player in the band too, and that adds a fun element to their music from this era. Despite being from the '80s, it actually sounds a lot less dated than some of the rock albums of that time period, and it's a good listen that's a bit new to me. Note that on streaming, tracks 11-15 are from an EP released a few years before this when the band was known as Youth Choir, and that does sound a bit more '80s.

Release Year: 1988
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