Album Of The Day: Word Of Mouth by John Reuben

Album Art of John Reuben's Word Of Mouth album - A black and white photo of a man with a large kick drum slung over his shoulder on to his back is in a field and looking to the left. A microphone is hanging from the top of the frame to the left of him. A dog is sitting behind him and looking to the right, away from the man. To the left of the man on the top left is the artist's name in large orange type, and the album title in much smaller text in gray type.

John Reuben, the self-named "Cool The Underdog", delivered what I consider his best album on this day 18 years ago. "The thrill of proving the world wrong is finally gone / You should move on." It's a good 36 minutes of rap from this self-critical white man. John mixes his honest thoughts with some sarcastic remarks and talks about his insecurities as well his faults along with the normal rapper bravado. It's not a long album, but it is some of his best work in both music and rhymes. I love it and although his latest stuff hasn't been as good as this in my opinion, I enjoy his more recent independent releases too.

Release Year: 2007
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