Album Of The Day: Wakened By The Wind by Susan Ashton

Album Art of Susan Ashton's Wakened By The Wind album - On the left four-fifths of the cover, a photo of a white woman with long brown hair and bangs is looking reflectively below the camera and everything but her face is out of focus. On the right fifth, a picture of a few lone trees in some tall, brown grass, with most of the low branches cut off and the top branches still with green leaves. Across the bottom fifth, both photos have a transparent white layer on top of them, and on that is printed the artist name in large print and the album title a bit smaller, italics below it.

Released on this day (or at least this month) 34 years ago, this is the first album by Christian pop/contemporary artist Susan Ashton. With this album and throughout the '90s, Susan Ashton was popular on Christian radio. And it's easy to see why. She has a beautiful voice, top-notch Nashville players, and on this album, songs written by primarily Wayne Kirkpatrick and other experienced songwriters. Today is the first time I listened to this album, as I wasn't really listening to music much when this came out and I never really heard many Susan Ashton songs. To some extent, it sounds much like most of the other Christian pop that was put out in the early '90s; it's still a bit stuck in the '80s and somewhat formulaic. But there's also some talent shown on this album and I can see why Susan Ashton was popular for a time. Around 2000, she tried to move to country music and and it was not too successful, plus around that time Christian hits changed drastically, and it seems like her music career has waned since then.

Release Year: 1991
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