Album Of The Day: Take Me To Your Leader by Newsboys

Album Art of Newsboys's Take Me To Your Leader album - On a white background, at the top is a few red lines and a red circle with a point on the bottom and the band's name printed in a gradient that looks kinda like chrome, with a chevron below it. At the bottom in a very thin, black font is the album title. In the middle is a photo of a very space-age concept vehicle of some sort. The bottom looks flat to the ground and in an oval shape, and there is a glass windshield in a little part in the middle for one person to sit. There's comically big fins on each side in red, white and blue. Behind the vehicle is a light green cloth background. And to the right of the front of the vehicle, a woman in a green dress and a man in a suit are smiling, looking at the camera, and pointing at the vehicle.

Released on this day 29 years ago, this is my favorite album from the Newsboys, a Christian band that has been active for about 40 years and gone through many band members. This mid-'90s release is their best of their career, in my opinion. They were still only a few years into moving from Australia to the U.S.A., and partnered with the rock songwriter and producer Steve Taylor to help them out with the lyrics. Take Me To Your Leader is a great collection of pop/rock tracks that still holds up really well compared to many Christian albums from the era. "Take Me To Your Leader", "Breathe" and "Breakfast" were some of the most popular songs with Christian music fans at the time, but the whole album is full of solid lyrics and musicianship like "Cup O' Tea" and the epic "Lost The Plot". It's one of the best Christian music albums of the '90s, I think.

Release Year: 1996
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A photo of a white man with brown hair and a graying beard and glasses looking slightly down at the camera, smiling, and holding to the left of him a few items. First is a CD of the Newsboys album in a case, then the second is a VHS video peeking out from a paper slipcase. The VHS case says 'Down Under The Big Top' and 'Newsboys' and is autographed by Steve Taylor.

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