Album Of The Day: Peace & Love by Two Car Garage

Album Art of Two Car Garage's Peace and Love album - A photo of a field full of yellow flowers surrounded by trees on a sunny, partly cloudy day. In the middle of the photo is an inflated mouth with lips wide open, all the teeth showing except for two missing top front teeth, and a tongue sticking out slightly above the bottom teeth. Inside the mouth is black.

This one is meant to be played LOUD. Released yesterday, this is the first album from Two Car Garage, which is doing a very modern mix of garage rock and Jock Jams. Brothers Will Chapman and Caleb Chapman are half of the band Colony House, but I guess Colony House wasn't allowing them to get all their heavy rock, angst-filled ideas out. The brothers came up with the band name when they were small kids and they told their parents they were starting a band. It's definitely a bit more electronic and punk than their other band, and I don't think I'll listen to it as much, but it might grow on me.

Release Year: 2025
Listen on Apple Music
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