Album Of The Day: Live At Stubb's by Matisyahu

Album Art of Matisyahu's Live At Stubb's album - A two-color white-and-dark-brown print of a man with a large, dark hat, a coat and a beard holding a microphone up to his mouth with the artist name in large print on a banner below and a decorative line art design below that. At the bottom, the album title in smaller print, then a thick brown line.

Recorded on this day 20 years ago, a Jewish man from New York who had just put out his debut album performed his reggae songs with Orthodox Jewish-inspired lyrics at Stubb's, a live concert venue and BBQ joint in Austin, Texas. Matisyahu's fusion of reggae with his religious Jewish beliefs made for a niche release, and it was something I enjoyed a lot at the time. It has been many years since I've given this album or any Matisyahu music a spin, but I remember I did listen to and enjoy it a lot back in the day when it was released. Reggae is not a style i listen to often, but I think I like this live, stripped-down style more than his more heavily produced studio albums. This album is still one of Matiyahu's most successful, and it was fun to listen to it again.

Release Year: 2005
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