Album Of The Day: Kind Of Blue by Miles Davis

Album Art of Miles Davis's Kind Of Blue album - A photo of a black man in a navy blue suit and a tie playing a trumpet, only his upper body and the mouth of the trumpet are seen along with his hand playing the trumpet. At the top, in large print in white it says the artist name, with the title of the album in smaller blue text. Also above the album title is the Columbia Records logo and name, and below the title a list of the other players on the album.

I wasn't so convinced when Ryan Gosling's character in La La Land endlessly praised jazz, but this Miles Davis recording has made me a believer. Davis plays his heart out on the trumpet and the band follows him wherever he goes. All the instruments are played masterfully, and it's a roller coaster ride of sounds, from beautiful and calm one moment to loud and blaring the next but no less beautiful. It's so much fun to listen to masters of their craft improvise together and make music that is loved nearly 70 years later. This is often listed in the top albums, and it's clear to me why that is because it's such a fun and engaging listen.

Release Year: 1959
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