Album Of The Day: Crimson & Blue by Phil Keaggy

Album Art of Phil Keaggy's Crimson And Blue album - From above, a photo of a man looking up at the camera is the main focus. The person is also pointing the index finger of their left hand up at the camera, near his face. The background is colorful, mostly red and blue, but it not really distinct enough to make out. In the top write, the artist's name is painted in the middle of a circle with the album name circling around it in white color.

Phil Keaggy is known to many as an instrumental guitarist on electric or acoustic guitars, but he's also done many albums as a vocal solo artist. Crimson & Blue is maybe my favorite Phil Keaggy vocal album. The guitar work is stellar, and the backing band is firing on all cylinders as well. The end of the album really brings out the epic, extended jams, with his version of the Gospel/blues song "John The Revelator" and original song "Doin' Nothin'" clocking in over 8 minutes each. "Everywhere I Look" and "I Will Be There" are beautiful, laid-back pop/rock tunes where Keaggy's vocals really shine. Lyrically, Phil is focused on God's love and joy, though other topics like friendship and class disparities make appearances as well. Phil Keaggy's soaring guitar solos are a highlight, but I love every minute of this album.

Release Year: 1993
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