Album Of The Day: Blueprint by Ginny Owens

Album Art of Ginny Owens's Blueprint EP - A photo of a person's hands playing piano, where all we can see is the keys and the hands. They are mostly lit from behind, so nothing but really the piano and the hands can be seen. There may be some sort of faint image overlaid on top, but it's hard to tell what it would be. At the top, in the light part, the artist name and the EP name is printed in thin-sans-serif text, with the 'ep' in the middle of 'blueprint' being bold.

Ginny Owens has been making music for about 30 years now, and this EP was from her earlier years of making music. After making two full-length pop albums, she put out this EP with more live, blues-y renditions of the songs from her first few albums. Her voice and piano work fits with the upright bass and the strings, and it's fun to get a different version of her music. Her songwriting's beauty shines through these arrangements and show that she's not just successful due to her slick production. Produced by fellow female singer-songwriter Margaret Becker, this is a great collection of early Ginny Owens songs. Ginny is still making music and also doing other things decades later.

Release Year: 2002
Listen on Apple Music

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