Album Of The Day: American Prodigal by Crowder

Album Art of Crowder's American Prodigal album - A photo of an American flag, stars in the upper left and stripes in the other four quadrants, that has been covered in metallic gold paint, so much paint that you can see the paint dried in drips and runs going down. Across the middle, a black strip is placed horizontally, and the band's name and the album title is written in that strip in shimmering gold as well.

David Crowder is my kind of guy. He's a fan of all types of music, and his albums reflect that. He's been making much for about 30 years now, I think, and still keeps making music that I enjoy a lot, whether in his earlier years with his David Crowder Band, or these days with his band just called Crowder. American Prodigal is Crowder's second studio album, and this band has a bit more country/bluegrass than his earlier band, though at its core, the music is pop music with a modern worship bent. A few songs feature guest verses from rappers and the deluxe version includes a remix track by BT at the end, so Crowder definitely mixes the genres. It's an energetic fusion of Gospel lyrics and modern pop/rock sensibilities, and it's a fun musical celebration of God's love and grace.

Release Year: 2016
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Spotify

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