Album Of The Day: All The Bright Lights by All The Bright Lights

Album Art of All The Bright Lights's self-titled album - A photo of a cityscape with tall buildings, a street with buses and taxis, at probably the golden hour. The photo seems to be intentionally blurry or taken through a frosted window. In the center, on top of the photo, is printed the band's name in white in a sans-serif font.

James Duke, Jon Duke and Jacob Arnold deliver a beautiful album of mostly instrumental rock music. There's definitely some vocals, sometimes just an vocal tone or the occasional lyric, though they're so deep in the mix below the guitars and the drums, I can't make out the lyrics much, and I don't think they're too important. This is all about the guitars and the atmospheric sounds like Sigur Rós or Explosions In The Sky. It's sometimes calm and beautiful, other times loud and enthralling. It's a great album to listen to loud and it also works as background, instrumental music if you're looking for something like that.

Release Year: 2009
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Spotify

Photo of a white man holding with brown hair and brownish-gray beard the All The Bright Lights album in a plastic sleeve up next to my head and smiling. I'm wearing a black shirt with white writing and there's a bookshelf behind me on my right and a lower shelf with a lamp and some random junk on it.

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