Album Of The Day: Tales Of The Knife by Lucerin Blue

Album Art of Lucerin Blue's Tales Of The Knife album - On a white background, the left side is a black-and-white drawing of brutalist building about 6 stories tall with a tree-lined street and cars moving up and down it. To the right, there's a drawing of a man in a jacket with no head and holding a large knife in his left hand. Behind the man, is orange and red circles, with the orange circle fully surrounding the red circle. In the middle of the red circle is where the head should be is the center of the red circle and it has the band name in white print in a fairly large font, with the album title in smaller font below.

This album came out when I was in college and I remember listening to this a lot when working out at the gym back then. Lucerin Blue was one of my favorite new bands in 2003-2004, and this album is still a fun listen. Lyrics are sometimes sung, sometimes more like spoken word/rap, and sometimes screamed over a bed of guitars, bass and drums that critics describe as "nu-metal" or "post-grunge". In a number of these songs, it's hard to tell if they're speaking to a lover or God or something, but there's definitely a bit of spiritual language here. I really liked this album and hoped for more albums from this Canadian band, but they broke up before they could release a second album, unfortunately.

Release Year: 2003
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