Album Of The Day: This Is Our Christmas Album by Switchfoot

Album Art of Switchfoot's This Is Our Christmas Album album - A photo of a fir tree decorated with a star and tinsel and a banner that has written on it 'this is our Christmas album' that is on a beach and laying on its side in the sand, with the red tree stand attached to the bottom on the right. Behind the sandy beach can be seen ocean waves. At the top, in a dark red, is printed the band name. A dark red border is also around the photo.

Switchfoot is mostly known as a rock band, but this is definitely not their normal rock album. On this album celebrating Christmas and New Year's, the band for the most part is a lot more laid-back and chill. There are definitely guitars, but no guitar solos and the rest of the band gets to shine. They do let loose the rock on "Scrappy Little Christmas Tree", though, which is a fun punk rock song about a sad tree at the tree lot. Other original songs ponder the meaning of Christmas, celebrating the new year, and there's also some celebrating of southern California's style of celebrating Christmas with surfing, avocados, and beautiful harmonies. The band then also delivers some classic carols and Christmas standards in mostly a more acoustic, stripped-down style. There's two experiences of this album available: if you are listening on streaming, the originals and standards are mixed together, while on CD and vinyl the first half/side is the new songs, and the second side is the classic songs. It's definitely not my favorite Switchfoot album, but it's fun to celebrate the holidays with one of my favorite bands.

Release Year: 2022
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Spotify
Buy on Bandcamp

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