Album Of The Day: At Folsom Prison by Johnny Cash

Album Art of Johnny Cash's At Folsom Prison album - A photo of Johnny Cash's face from below, with a microphone in front of his mouth. You can see he's wearing a black suit coat and a white shirt underneath, and that his guitar strap is going over his shoulder. He's looking right at the camera with an expression that may be him in the middle of talking. Beads of sweat can be seen on his cheek. In the top right the artist and album name is printed in a block font.

Recorded on this day 57 years ago, this album is the first ever live recording released by Johnny Cash. Recorded at the state prison in Folsom, California, it's an interesting look into the time period and the early days of Johnny Cash's career. Cash's songs are relatively simple and his band pretty small. Cash performs some stories of blue collar men and convicts, sings some slightly dirty joke songs, and also includes a few songs with religious overtones at the end. Included in the recording are announcements for the men of the prison, which are an interesting slice of life. June Carter sings "Jackson", "Give My Love To Rose" and "Orange Blossom Special" with Cash just months before they got married. It's a time capsule of country music and a fun recording, even though it does not have the polish of a studio recording.

Release Year: 1968
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