Album Of The Day: Faith & Devotions Of A Satellite Heart by The Violet Burning

Album Art of The Violet Burning's Faith & Devotions Of A Satellite Heart album - On a black background on the left, the band name is printed 5 times in gray towards the top, and one time in white above the gray ones. On the right, three pieces of artwork of hearts on fire are shown, one with a cross above the heart and another with two hearts with a crucifix between them. All the hearts have a ring of thorns around the heart. These are smaller and repeat vertically, and after the 5th repeat the album title is printed in small print.

The Violet Burning has existed since the late '80s, and over the years they've been done modern worship as well as alternative rock. This is one of their more worshipful albums that they released this year 25 years ago. Many of the songs are 5-6 minutes long, so it's an hour of lingering in praise and worship to God. It's a good collection of rock songs about Jesus with a laid-back, chill vibe played by top-notch musicians. Unfortunately, for unknown reasons, this album is not available on streaming services, so you might have to track down a used CD or hit up the band's online store to buy a download if you want to give it a listen.

Release Year: 2000

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