Album Of The Day: Cover Story by Russ Taff

Album Art of Russ Taff's Cover Story album - A black and white photo of an older white man with shoulder-length dark but graying hair slicked back, a beard and mustache, wearing a dark T-shirt, on a gray background. In the bottom right is the album title in lowercase in a script font, and the artist's name in a bigger, blocky font in white.

Russ Taff is an artist from before my time, to some extent. He was a member of the christian vocal group The Imperials in the late '70s and early '80s, then performed as a solo artist for a few more decades, and that was mostly before I started listening to music in earnest. Away from the stage and studio, Russ had a hard life, coming from an abusive home and struggling with alcoholism, among other things. But at age 71, he's still got a good voice and a longing to sing. Released today, this album of covers finds this vocalist covering songs by Bill Withers, Bob Dylan, Prince and The National, among others. While his voice has a bit more rough edges than it did back in his younger days, Russ Taff can still belt out a tune, and he makes these classic songs his own, plus covers a few songs you might not know as well. Through these covers, he tells his own story of struggle, love and redemption over his 50+ years in music.

Release Year: 2025
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