Album Of The Day: Christmas by Michael W. Smith

Album Art of Michael W. Smith's Christmas album - It looks like paper artwork, with a base background of a gray forest branches, and a printout of a gold frame in the bottom and right halfway up, and the look of a burlap cloth in the middle. In the middle, a few torn-out reproductions of sacred art with three kings, a stable and Mary with a baby in a manger on three separate pieces of paper layered on top of each other. To the bottom left, a bit of the biblical passage of the birth of Jesus from a bible is torn out and placed there. At the top, a white piece of paper with the artist name and at the bottom, individual letters spelling 'Christmas', each on their own bit of paper.

As I said a few weeks ago, the Christmas season for me is traditionally full of choirs and orchestral music as well as the pop/rock in my collection. In Michael W. Smith's first Christmas album, he leans into the choral and orchestral sounds so hard, there's almost no pop music sensibilities left, and I love it. Though "Lux Venit" and "Christ The Messiah" sound like they could be adapted from some classical piece, they are actually original songs by Smith and friends, like most of the others on this album. "Gloria" and "All Is Well" are probably the most pop of all of them, and they are excellent '80s pop, though there's definitely a full choir in these songs too. It's a beautiful album to listen to in a quiet moment or, as I prefer, to play it loud and better hear the quiet parts as well as fill the house on the loud parts just like you're at church for a Christmas mass.

Release Year: 1989
Listen on Apple Music
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