Album Of The Day: Chagall Guevara by Chagall Guevara

Album Art of Chagall Guevara's self-titled album - A photo of two green gate doors with a decorative design cut through them. There are plants growing through the holes and around the gates, so it seems like the place is abandoned or unused. Nothing but darkness can be seen behind the gates. In front of the photo is printed the band name in very large, green letters.

Released this week 34 years ago, this is one of the coolest early '90s rock bands you have probably never heard of. Lead vocalist Steve Taylor and his bandmates had been performing for 10-15 years in other bands and then formed a rock band with a very weird, artsy name: Chagall Guevara. The guitars, bass and drums are on point and Taylor provides somewhat raspy vocals struggling to be heard above the band. Like the band's name, the lyrics on the album are a bit of a puzzle, containing some spiritual language but not at all getting preachy, and at least a hint of sarcastic wit that was also present on Steve Taylor's solo albums. This album is an engaging listen all these years later, even though the band never gained notoriety or radio airplay for this album back in the day. The band split up not long after this release, though they did reunite a few years ago for a few shows, to release a live album as well as an album of rarities and new tracks.

Release Year: 1991
Listen on Apple Music
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Buy remastered CD/vinyl on Bandcamp

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