Album Of The Day: Best Laid Plans by Sandra McCracken
About 20 years ago, I first became aware of the work of Sandra McCracken by listening to this album, Best Laid Plans. It's a beautiful, well-produced folk-rock album and I'm told a few songs even had radio airplay around the UK 20 years ago, even though McCracken is from the United States. It's definitely a bit different than the albums Sandra is most well known for now, which are more often modern hymns or reworking of old hymns and psalms to modern folk/rock. This is original, personal lyrics on relationships, spirituality and life and a bit more of a rock edge than her newer music. I think it's still one of best albums, though I do enjoy listening to her 15+ other albums as well. Thanks, Sandra, for creating such beautiful music for all these years and I hope you keep making music for many years. It was fun to see you play live a month ago in St. Paul, too!
Release Year: 2004
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