Album Of The Day: Alive & Breathing by Matt Maher

 many multicolored pieces of light with black barriers between them. At the top is a purple sky with orange and red land below it. And in the foreground is five grey figures, all in cloaks and some holding staffs. Around theme are red flames and between the flames and the land are large aqua blue waves of water.

I'll be honest: Many of my friends said that they liked Matt Maher for years, but I could not really get into him. His albums were a bit too soft and didn't have enough of a rock edge to them for me, despite him being an experienced songwriter with good, spiritually-focused lyrics. But in the last few years, I gave him another chance. This album was my entry into his work, really. It's half new studio tracks and half new live recordings of Maher playing some of his most successful songs (often co-written with other artists) in an energetic night of music. This music is definitely modern worship for today's churches and it's also engaging, well-sung contemporary pop with a bit of a rock edge.

Release Year: 2020
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Spotify

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