Album Of The Day: TRON: Legacy (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) by Daft Punk

Album Art of Daft Punk's TRON Legacy Soundtrack album - In the middle, the Disney logo is printed in blue above a bigger TRON logo, what looks like glowing shiny metal bits that form the letters. Below that, the words 'Legacy' are written. At the top, 'Original Motion Picture Soundtrack' and at the bottom, 'Music by Daft Punk' are written in blue.

Released on this day 14 years ago, this was the soundtrack to Disney's sci-fi sequel of the 1982 film TRON. Daft Punk is a secretive electronic/remix/pop duo, so not exactly the group you'd expect for a movie soundtrack, but it works really well here. Orchestral moments are mixed with pounding drums and bass, synths, and other sounds. It sounds as cinematic as many other big-budget films of the last few decades, but it also has a modern, electronic edge. It's not exactly Daft Punk's normal fare, but it turns wherever you are into a drama-filled movie at one moment and a dance club the next moment.

Release Year: 2010
Listen on Apple Music
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