Album Of The Day: Real Emotion by Paper Route

Album Art of Paper Route's Real Emotion album - A photo of what looks like a square room, although a closer look shows that the back wall keeps going up and there's no ceiling visible in the room. The left half of the back wall is white, and the right half is black, and the area where they meet is not a straight line, but more a haphazard edge. Next to the black wall is a piano, and half of it is also black and the other half white with an illustration painted on the side of it. The white walls have graphics or even handwriting in black or color on them, though the majority of the color is black, white or blue. Three men are scattered around the room, one standing against the right wall, one sitting on a chair in the back, and one sitting in the middle of the floor. They're wearing dark blue clothes.

Paper Route is an independent rock/pop band. They've got great drums, great guitars and great synths to go with the soaring pop/rock anthems. This is their third album, and it's an album about a relationship falling apart, though from the energy the band brings to the album, you might not pick up on that in the lyrics on the first listen. (I definitely didn't.) It's an emotional, musical journey nearly an hour long that I found to be a great listen. And I never saw them play these songs on tour, but I do remember seeing them live once before this album and they put on a good show. Although the band has gone on "indefinite hiatus", the members still are working in the Nashville music scene in various roles: songwriting, producing, art/design, etc.

Release Year: 2016
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Spotify

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