Album Of The Day: Out Of Body by Apollo LTD

Album Art of Apollo LTD's Out Of Body album - In the middle, a picture of the moon. Around it, a starfield with galaxies in blue and purple is covered by circles sectioned by lines spreading out from the moon. On the top, hanging from the top, are upside-down snow-capped mountains. At the bottom are large rectangular stones with a few women sunbathing, one standing and looking down at another who is adjusting their hair. In the starfield on the left, a few women in bathing suits are swimming through the stars. Also on the right, some hot air balloons are floating through the starfield. On the top, the artist name and album name is printed in white no top of the artwork, and it's also printed on the bottom upside down, so that the artwork works either way.

Apollo LTD is a fairly new electronic pop-rock band, and Out Of Body is their first album. It's energetic sounds and smooth vocals that lyrically speak to a higher power and an improved life. Musically, it's more creative and engaging than most of Christian music made today and although the lyrics are not too inventive, it's not just the same worship lyrics that most Christian bands are writing today. This is a fun album from a new band that I hope sticks around and continues to get even better.

Release Year: 2019
Listen on Apple Music
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