Album Of The Day: Never Looking Back by The Burn Service

Album Art of The Burn Service's Never Looking Back album - Through some sort of blurry lens, we see a person walking through a very cracked desert landscape. In the blurry foreground, there seems to be a ladder. The title above the person is 'Never Looking Back', and in smaller print below the photo it says 'Live worship from a burn service' and in the bottom right is the 'Vineyard Music' logo.

The Burn Service is Jessie Lane, Ryan Delmore, Darren Clarke and their band, who recorded this album live at a Vineyard Church in California. They mix some new songs they wrote with older Vineyard worship songs like "Holy Is The Lord" and even end the recording with '80s praise song "Hosanna". And they do their modern church worship music in a classic rock style, with electric guitars, great drums and bass, and vocals with a bit of a ragged edge to them. It's the imperfection of this recording that helps capture real, heartfelt emotion and love as the band and the congregation sing to God.

Release Year: 2001
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