Album Of The Day: The Music Of Christmas by Steven Curtis Chapman

Album Art of Steven Curtis Chapman's The Music Of Christmas album - On a white background, the artist's name is in a white, flowing script with a red glow around them. And the album title is below that in small black text. Below that is a photo of the artist, a young, white man with blonde hair parted right in the center of his head, wearing a jacket, a scarf and gloves, sitting on a wooden fence with a snowy clearing behind and a forest in the background.

This is another of my favorites I've been enjoying for decades. In the 1990s, Steven Curtis Chapman was one of the biggest names in Christian pop & adult contemporary music. In this first Christmas album from the artist, he hits so many of the old carols with his beautiful vocals, an acoustic guitar, and lush strings and other instrumentation. There's also plenty of original songs, like "The Music of Christmas" and "Christmas Is All In The Heart", which encourage us to listen to what God is saying and to not focus on the presents, the decorations and the parties, but to be with family and friends in this season. I also love the instrumentals; there's a medley of carols in the middle of the album as well as "Carol of the Bells", both of which are a beautiful mix of pop and symphonic music elements. I remember setting up Christmas lights in my dorm 25 Christmases ago to this album, and it doesn't really start the Christmas season for me until I give this excellent album a listen.

Release Year: 1995
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Spotify

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