Album Of The Day: Love & War & The Sea In Between by Josh Garrels

Album Art of Josh Garrels's Love and War and The Sea In Between album - On a light blue book cover cloth is printed a darker blue frame with circular wave patterns of various sizes. In the center, the waves stop and the words 'Love And War' are in big red letters with 'And The Sea In Between' in smaller blue letters. Then a blue line and the artist name in red again.

This may be one of the best albums of the last 15 years, in my opinion. Josh Garrels is an independent singer-songwriter, and on this album he creates a musical experience that keeps the listener engaged. Brooklyn music collective Mason Jar Music delivers lush, hauntingly beautiful instrumentals and backing vocals throughout, with strings, horns, and other instruments as well as guitars and drums. When I first listened to this, I thought I had it pegged as a mostly acoustic folk/rock album after a few songs. But then when "Farther Along" had spoken-word verses, the next track was just an instrumental interlude, and then "The Resistance" had full-on rap, I realized that this artist was going to keep me on my toes. It's over an hour of top-notch songs that flow seamlessly into each other and it's still my favorite album by Josh Garrels.

Release Year: 2011
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Spotify

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