Album Of The Day: The Long Fall Back To Earth by Jars Of Clay

Album Art of Jars of Clay's The Long Fall Back To Earth album - A black-and-white photo of the four white men that make up the band, with the edges of the photo fairly hazy and/or smoky. All four members are wearing black suit coats and pants and most are not looking at the camera, maybe they are walking. The band's name is in large pink letters right over the photo in the center. The album title is down the middle of the bottom half, each word on its own line in smaller white letters.

Jars of Clay is one of my favorite bands of all time, and this album is in my top 3 albums of theirs. The band moves away from Americana and does a more electronic pop/rock sound for The Long Fall Back To Earth, their ninth studio album. "Heaven", "Closer" and "Hero" are energetic, upbeat songs. "Two Hands", "Safe To Land", and "Headphones" are a bit more chill and introspective. And "Scenic Route" and "Heart" extend the chill pop to nearly 6 minutes each. It's a beautiful hour of music ruminating on human nature and relationships from a great band and is a great listen as an album. (On streaming, it's a "Deluxe Version" that has many bonus tracks, but the original album is the first 14 tracks.)

Release Year: 2009
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Spotify

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