Album Of The Day: Have You Heard by Stu G

Album Art of Stu G's Have You Heard EP - On a white background, a photo of a middle-aged man in black shirt and pants is playing a black electric guitar and wearing headphones. The photo has a shadow and is cut into three pieces. To the right, the artist name and album title is printed in green and red. In smaller letters, the words '20th Anniversary Remixed and Re-Mastered'.

In the early-to-mid 1990s, delirious? was a part-time worship band called "The Cutting Edge Band". During that era, guitarist Stuart Garrard (aka Stu G) released his own EP of rock/worship songs titled Have You Heard. The 6-track EP was remastered for it's 20th anniversary and is presented with some remixes and a new live-in-studio recording of some of the original songs, to make it more of a full album. It's a fun look at independent Christian rock from the mid-90s as we near its 30th anniversary. I only started listening to this EP on the 20th anniversary re-release, but I love the songs. It's a snapshot of early solo work from my favorite bands and one of my favorite guitarists.

Release Year: 1995 / 2015
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