Album Of The Day: Hark! by House Of Heroes

Album Art of House Of Heroes's Hark! The House Of Heroes Sing EP - On a off-white, rough paper background, the majority of it is the text of the album title. At the top, it has drawing of a wintery scene that shows the background is a white hill, and perched atop the hill is a brightly colored house, trees, and the night sky, all covered with snow.

House Of Heroes is a great rock/pop band—one of my favorite bands of all time. On this EP, Hark! The House Of Heroes Sing, they deliver 3 songs of Christmas cheer. It's a great version of "O Holy Night" with some sort of funky keyboard melody behind the chorus. And there's a great version of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen / Joy To The World" which is an energetic take. But my favorite is the original song "Christmas Morning"—or I at least can't find any indication that it's a cover. It's a fun reflection of how we should retain that childlike wonder "like a kid on Christmas morning" throughout our lives. It's an instant classic and honestly, I think it should be played everywhere as it's a great original holiday track. (If this keeps you wanting more, three are four more Christmas songs also recorded by House of Heroes out there on the streaming services.)

Release Year: 2014
Listen on Apple Music
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