Album Of The Day: Happy Golden Days by The Arcadian Wild

Album Art of The Arcadian Wild's Happy Golden Days EP - A picture of three people in a room with a wooden floor and a bright red curtain in the back. On the curtain, the words 'Happy Golden Days' are hung from a string in gold lettering, and it looks like one man is currently hanging them up. A number of globes and ornaments hang from the ceiling on either side. In the center, in front of that man is a large pile of presents on the floor, with another man sitting crouched and leaning up against the presents. To the left of the presents, a woman is sitting on the floor and affixing a bow to the present. Printed above the floor is the band name in a flowing, hand-written script.

Here's more new Christmas music for 2024! Americana/modern bluegrass band The Arcadian Wild put together 7 songs of beautiful music for the Christmas holiday season. For Advent, it starts with "Come Thou Long Expected Jesus" and later it includes another old hymn text, I think, in "Nations That Long In Darkness Walked". Classic carols like "Good King Wenceslas" and "O Come, All Ye Faithful" are here as well. And it closes out with less religious fare in "Up On The Housetop", an instrumental, and "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas". I'm definitely surprised at how much energy this band has in their music despite having no drums at all, and a bunch of these songs are a rollicking bluegrass jam, while some are a bit more subdued.

Release Year: 2024
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