Album Of The Day: Flesh by Andrew Osenga

Album Art of Andrew Osenga's Flesh EP - On a white background, the middle 25% of the artwork is a photo of a white man's face looking off to the left with a bit of a neutral expression. Above, in the white space, a gold color rectangle has the words 'Flesh' printed in uppercase white. Below the photo, in bigger font is the artist's name in black text.

For the last 3 days, the Album of the Day has not been an album, but a shorter EP. Let's keep that going one more day. In the mid-2010s, Andrew Osenga, an artist who has worn many hats over the last 25+ years in the music industry, released four independent EPs, each a different style of music. Flesh is 6 tracks of electric guitar-driven rock written and performed by Andrew with some friends. The other EPs, Heart, Soul, and Bone are more pop, blues and instrumental, respectively. I like them all, but I was looking for some rock today and this EP keeps the energy high.

Release Year: 2015
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Spotify

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