Album Of The Day: Every Christmas by Colony House

Album Art of Colony House's Every Christmas EP - Four white men are gathered in front of a fireplace with stones stretching up to the ceiling. Two are standing in the back, while one is playing an acoustic guitar and sitting on the box in front and the fourth is not facing toward the camera, but instead facing away and playing a piano. There is a small Christmas tree behind the piano and some wrapped presents on the piano.

Released today, this is a new Christmas-themed EP from my favorite band for the last 10+ years, Colony House. Caleb, Will, Parke and Scotty bring back classic pop/rock sounds for this EP; it feels like they were going for a Beach Boys vibe. There's a few Christmas love songs and a few songs about being with family and friends for the Christmas season. This isn't the electric guitar-fueled music like some other Colony House tracks, but it's 3 solid new songs celebrating the Christmas holiday. I love it and I'm sure I'll play it throughout the next month plenty!

Release Year: 2024
Listen on Apple Music
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