Album Of The Day: The Darkest Night Of The Year by Over The Rhine

Album Art of Over The Rhine's The Darkest Night Of The Year album - A pencil drawing of a reddish-pink sky, bright green, rolling hills off to the bottom left, and a white angel with wings and a halo perched behind the hill. The angel is blowing a trumpet and kinda scowling/frowning, and below a man is standing, looking away from the angel and covering his face, it seems like his hair is being blown away from the angel to the right. On the top right, printed in black in small uppercase letters is the band name, and below it in much bigger letters the album title.

Since this album is called The Darkest Night Of The Year, it seems fitting to play this album on a cold, dark winter night near the winter solstice. And it feels right to play it on a quiet night next to the Christmas tree and maybe a fire and a warm drink. This album is a very specific vibe: soft and blues-y, with lilting vocals from Karin Bergquist, beautiful piano and harmonium from Linford Detweiler, and others on bass, drums and more. It's definitely not a holiday album to put on during a party, but more one for a quiet, reflective late night leading up to Christmas or maybe winding down after an event. As well as a few original songs about Christmas, some carols are performed, some with vocals and others without. Karin and Linford, married shortly before this album came out, have been performing together as Over The Rhine for over 35 years. I've been playing this one on a winter solstice night for a number of years now.

Release Year: 1996
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