Album Of The Day: Wake Low by Wake Low

Album Art of Wake Low's self-titled album - On a gray background with highlights of yellow and red, in the middle, a stump of a tree has a glowing light above it and above that, a mirror image of the stump. In the bottom left, a list of the 12 tracks of the album in a small black font.

Wake Low is three siblings: Aedan Peterson, Skye Peterson, and Asher Peterson. Their dad is Christian adult contemporary/folk artist, Andrew Peterson, and on this self-titled album, they make something that is not their dad's style, but is much their own. Electronic music, acoustic guitars, and other instrumental sounds fuse with their vocals to make an energetic sound speaking of life, God and the space in between. It's great to hear what these young persons are coming up with, not compartmentalizing their spiritual life from the rest of their life, and experimenting with sounds and musical forms. And it's fun to see the siblings take turns on vocals and other roles throughout the album. It's not a long album, but it's a good collection of fresh new songs from the Peterson family.

Release Year: 2020
Listen on Apple Music
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