Album Of The Day: The Times They Are A-Changin' by Bob Dylan

Album Art of Bob Dylan's The Times They Are A-Changin' album - A black and white photo of a white man from shoulders up wearing a collared shirt and looking down and to the left in a bit of a sour, skeptical look. Next to his face, the album title and artist name in large black letters, with the Columbia Records logo and track listing in smaller black print below.

Bob Dylan's third solo album starts off with the title track, "The Times They Are A-Changin'", still one of his most popular songs ever. The album definitely sounds like a traditional folk album, with mostly just vocals, acoustic guitar and the occasional harmonica. Bob Dylan writes all the songs, and keeps much of the lyrics timeless but also topical, with a few songs memorializing black persons killed and a few anti-war songs. Some of the songs like "North Country Blues" and "Boots Of Spanish Leather" seem to speak of the working man in America. It's 10 songs of Bob's classic songwriting, typical vocal wail, and beautiful instrumentation. In the next year or so, Bob Dylan started leaving traditional folk and incorporating more rock 'n' roll, so this album is a good snapshot of his early work.

Release Year: 1964
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