Album Of The Day: Strings & Sonnets by Phil Keaggy & Malcolm Guite

Album Art of Phil Keaggy & Malcolm Guite's Strings & Sonnets album - On a light gold marble background, across the top in black is listed the artist and album title. Below that, artwork that has a mandolin at the center with a tree growing out of its neck. On the left, a moon, a hand holding a nail, and a pile of books with a lite candle sitting on top of them. On the right, a sun, an open wardrobe with a lamppost inside it, and a bowl with music coming from it.

Although I got my copy of this record a few weeks ago, this album officially releases today. Malcolm Guite is an English poet and on this album he recites his poetry, ruminations on the scripture, the works of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien, and more. Underneath Mr. Guite's poetry is laid acoustic guitar and the occasional other instruments from Phil Keaggy and friends. What results is a great fusion of poetry and music from two masters of their respective arts. 16 poems are read with music to go with the reflective poetry. After the poetry (on side B of the record), 20+ minutes of the same instrumental music is presented without the sonnets. I'm not sure when it will be available on streaming, but you can buy it digitally or on vinyl or CD directly from the artist.

Release Year: 2024
Purchase on Bandcamp

A photo of a rotund white man from the shoulders up with a light-colored beard and mustache, darker brown hair, and large glasses smiling at the camera and holding up a record jacket of the Strings & Sonnets album.

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