Album Of The Day: Rivers In The Wasteland by Needtobreathe

Album Art of Needtobreathe's Rivers In The Wasteland album - On a brownish-gray background is printed what looks to be a cross-section of a piece of wood, with rings surrounding two points like to trees grown together. Most of the space between the rings are black, but a few on the right side are colored blue, like a river. The band's name is printed in small lettering in the bottom left and the album title is scribbled in the bottom right.

This is my favorite album from southern rock band Needtobreathe. It's got a bit of everything: southern rock, some gospel influences, and some real honestly about love and relationships. Brothers Bear and Bo Rinehart started this band over 15 years before, and at this time were struggling to have a good, healthy relationship. They tried to write through this struggle in songs like "Brother" and "Wasteland". This album, I think, has their best sound and the most variety of types of songs, and every song is a solid one. Most of these songs are still played at their shows regularly 10 years later, at least on occasion if not every show.

Release Year: 2014
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