Album Of The Day: Revisiting This Planet by Kevin Max

Album Art of Kevin Max's Revisiting This Planet album - A black and white photo of a white man in a trim beard wearing a black shirt and handkerchief around the neck is wearing sunglasses, a light-colored cowboy hat, and is standing on a rocky southern US landscape looking up at the camera. The cover has a purple hue on the edges and what looks like vinyl ringwear, where the record has been moved around so much that the case has been wearing out along the edges of the record. At the bottom is the artist name, a small yellow lightning bolt graphic, and the album name in smaller, white print.

In 1972, Larry Norman released Only Visiting This Planet, one of the most successful Christian rock albums of the '70s. On this day four years ago, Kevin Max (formerly of dc Talk) released a cover of the whole album in homage to his friend Larry Norman. Revisiting This Planet is lovingly recreated by some of Nashville's best musicians and Kevin's vocals bring the rock vibe to Norman's classic album. It's certainly interesting to bring modern production methods and quality to these sometimes dated lyrics, though in other moments the lyrics feel like they could have been written today. The album does include an original song, "God Part IV", in which Max comments on previous thoughts about God from John Lennon, U2 and Larry Norman.

Release Year: 2020
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