Album Of The Day: Mission House by Mission House

Album Art of Mission House's self-titled album - On a dark blue background, two large doors with a curved top are standing open. Above the doors is the band's name in small, bold print in a light brown color. Coming out of the open doors are flowers of all kinds. In front of the doors, a white hand holds on to one of the flowers.

Both Jess Ray and Taylor Leonhardt have their own solo careers doing singer-songwriter music, but sometimes they perform together as Mission House, a modern praise and worship duo. While their solo works are more personal, artistic songs in nature, Mission House is more about modern music for churches. Although a bit short for an album, this 7-track studio recording has some powerful songs of praise. Personally, I found that this music speaks to me a bit more than the stuff the mega-churches are churning out, for whatever reason.

Release Year: 2019
Listen on Apple Music
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