Album Of The Day: Kansas by Jennifer Knapp

Album Art of Jennifer Knapp's Kansas album - A black and white photo of a woman standing it what could be a field with trees in the background, though it's hard to make out. The woman has dark shoulder-length hair and is wearing a light-colored shirt. She has a guitar on her back and the strap crossing her front chest. She is looking into the camera with a somewhat blank expression.

In the mid-90s, Jennifer Knapp was a young singer who had just converted to Christianity. At the same time, the music industry was looking for new talent, and they quickly found Jennifer Knapp and signed her. Her first album, Kansas, was a simple rock album with mostly acoustic instruments. Jennifer's lyrics spoke very personally to her coming to believe in God and struggling with the concepts of faith and religion. The lyrics use lots of lines from the Bible and her folksy rock vibe was definitely something new to the Christian music industry. Jennifer Knapp made a few more albums for the Christian music industry and then left the music industry for a while, returning and speaking out against the music industry and doing more independent music.

Release Year: 1998
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