Album Of The Day: Free At Last by dc Talk

Album Art of dc Talk's Free At Last album - On a white background, a black-and-white photo of three young men from above. A long-haired white man on the left, a short-haired man with a black hat on in the middle, and a black man with lots of dark hair sticking up on top but none on the sides and wearing multple crosses around his neck. The band name is in the top left, with an eye illustration above it with a cross inside the eye. At the bottom right below the photo is the album name.

Released on this day 32 years ago, this album made dc Talk a household name among Christian music fans. At this point, dc Talk was mostly Toby McKeehan rapping on the verses and Michael Tait and Kevin Max singing on the choruses. With Free At Last, this was definitely still the case, but the band experimented with sounds and repertoire. "Free At Last" veers into Gospel, while "Time Is..." gets a bit more rock edge. Covers of "Jesus Is Just Alright" and "Lean On Me" with new rapped verses are highlights as well as the original tunes. A number of the songs challenge mainstream cultural norms promoting abstinence and modest clothing, which was kinda weird to me both when I first heard this and still today. This album is definitely a time capsule of where Christian music was in the early '90s, for better and worse, and a lot of fun.

Release Year: 1992
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