Album Of The Day: Backbreakanomics by Mars ILL

Album Art of Mars ILL's Backbreakanomics album - On a beige background, at the top is outlines of the words 'mars ill' in a styled format. And above that in smaller letters, the works 'backbreakanomics' in a sans-serif font in black. At the bottom, there's two men, both wearing caps, in an illustration. Half of each of them is colored in like it was in a coloring book or something, and the other half is the outline and numbers, like the cover is a coloring book with numbers associated with colors. Also included in small blue pen is notes on how the cover could be improved in various spots.

Mars ILL is an underground hip-hop duo from Atlanta. DJ Dust creates amazing beats and intricate soundscapes including lots of obscure samples. Manchild delivers fast-paced raps with great rhymes and rhythm to them. This is their second major album and it's over an hour of top-notch music. I find that, for this album and their other albums, no matter how many times I listen to a Mars ILL album, there's still more nuance to the track and depth to the lyrics than I heard before. There's also a few great guest verses on this album too, from folks like Pigeon John, Bigg Jus, Jax and Flux. This is one of their top two albums from one of my favorite hip-hop groups of all time.

Release Year: 2003
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