Album Of The Day: For All The Saints by Fernando Ortega

Album Art of Fernando Ortega's For All The Saints EP - On an orangish-red background, printed in gold color on the top is the artist name, and the EP title on the bottom. In the middle, what looks to be an old pointing of Jesus in heaven holding a flag and surrounded by the throng of people, most if not all women. The background is a shiny gold, and everyone of the people in the painting have a gold halo around their head.

Released just 2 days ago, this is a new EP from veteran singer-songwriter Fernando Ortega. On this 5-track release, Ortega leans into hymns and setting sacred texts to music. I like his version of "How Can I Keep From Singing" and the "Gloria" is classic-sounding Fernando Ortega with beautiful piano and vocals. And "Jesus, Bread of Life" is a great new song of praise. All of these songs are solid. It's been a number of years since he has released new music, so it's great to hear from him again.

Release Year: 2024
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Spotify

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