Album Of The Day: In Rainbows by Radiohead

Album Art of Radiohead's In Rainbows album - 5 lines of text in large, colored letters that say 'In Rainbows' with random forward slashes or underscores inserted on occasion. Then two lines of 'Radiohead' with random spaces and underscores inserted. Behind that is some sort of bright orange ball with sparks emanating out of it and some lens flares on a black background.

Released on this day 17 years ago, this album was a trendsetter. At that time, the only way to hear an album was to either search sketchy websites for illicit copies, or listen with a friend who bought a copy. But Radiohead offered In Rainbows for free download (or a donation of any amount) for two months on their website. It's a great exploration of experimental rock, with Thom Yorke's soaring vocals, frenetic drums, and many layers of guitars. I don't listen to this album or Radiohead too much, but they are definitely some great musicians and songwriters, and I loved checking it out for free.

Release Year: 2007
Listen on Apple Music
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