Album Of The Day: October by U2

 the one on the left is blonde and curly, the second from the right has light brown hair, and the other two have darker brown, windswept hair. The background looks like some docks or industrial area near the water, from what little we can see. In the top left, the band and album name is printed in large letters.

Released on this day 43 years ago, October is U2's second album. Setting out to make punk rock with universal themes to bring the world together, U2's songs like "Gloria" did improve their sound a bit and continued to hone their songwriting prowess. The Edge makes lots of great guitar sounds and plays occasional piano, while Adam and Larry's drums and bass keep everything tight and Bono flexes his vocal muscles, sometimes a whisper and sometimes a growl. U2 would go on to have a much broader sound, but I enjoy these early years of raw, passionate rock from time to time. "October / And the trees are stripped bare / Of all they wear / What do I care?"

Release Year: 1981
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