Album Of The Day: Cold Hard Want by House of Heroes

 four young in jeans, jackets and with sunglasses on. Painted as an overlay or filter is the album title in a black paint in very large letters.

As you've probably noticed if you've been reading my regular "Album of the Day" posts, I have lots of music I like. And I like this music a lot, and I can keep posting these for a few more years and not repeat albums. But one artist I haven't featured yet is House of Heroes, who in my opinion is one of the most underrated rock bands of the last 20 years. They have created some great songs and epic concept albums. This album is full of anthems, from "Out My Way" to "Touch This Light" and the closer "I Am A Symbol". Tim Skipper's vocals range from a floating falsetto to a beautiful baritone and the others bring tight harmonies throughout, even while making a huge sonic landscape to go with the lyrics. I wish I got to seem them play more and it's sad that they are no longer recording albums, as far as I'm aware.

Release Year: 2012
Listen on Apple Music
Listen on Spotify

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