Album Of The Day: Beautiful People by Jason Upton

Album Art of Jason Upton's Beautiful People album - On the right is a black-and-white photo of an old man with lots of hair and a beard. He's wearing a shirt and a large, dark coat. Behind him is some sort of stucco wall or maybe a paper texture. To the left is the words 'beautiful' in bold and 'people' in regular weight font, no spaces. Below that in smaller font is the artist's name in uppercase, with space between the first and last name.

Jason Upton is a very unique, independent Christian artist. He is mostly known as a worship artist, but even though his music has a worshipful element to it, many of Jason Upton's songs have very personal and sometimes very not-worship lyrics to it, like this album's "Letter To A Petrified Sacred Society". Musically, Jason plays piano and often has violin and pipes featured heavily, though there's some guitars, bass and drums filling out the band, of course. This album, like many of his albums, seems very improvisational; four of these tracks stretch over 8 minutes. At it's core, Jason Upton is doing modern worship and artistic music performance together, which I enjoy. Some of my favorite songs on this album are "All Things Are Possible", "In Your Presence", and "Never Alone Martin", though I recommend the whole album listened in order.

Release Year: 2007
Listen on Apple Music
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