Album Of The Day: Reset by Mutemath

 on a light brown backgroundthe outline of a cityscape on the right in a clay red, the sun in the top left in a yellow with lines of light emanating from it, and clouds in white above the sun an cityscape. At the bottom, in a dark blue, is waves. It has the EP name and tracklist at the bottom. And at the top, the artist name in big, blocky letters.

20 years ago today, this EP was released and it declared the start of one of my favorite bands for the next 13 years. Mutemath started out as a few friends doing remixing, producing, etc. and turned into one of the best live bands I've ever seen. And this Reset EP started it all. The title track is a 5½ minute instrumental jam with amazing drum work and a beautiful mix of guitars, bass and keyboards as well as production tricks. "Progress" and "OK" showed they could write vulnerable ballads that the masses could connect to. And "Control", "Plan B" and "Peculiar People" were such energetic songs, they should have been the next big thing in electronic pop/rock, in my opinion. Sadly, despite a good amount of success, they never became a well-known name in popular music before breaking up in 2017. This EP started it all and it's still some of their best songs, though sadly it's never been available on streaming services to this date.

Release Year: 2004

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